Get to know yourself

Who are you really? Most of us are comfortable in our own bubble. Our identity is formed and we don’t have any intention of changing this. I have learned that solo traveling confronts you to answer that question.

Discover yourself

Our work, friends and family, and hobbies play a big role in this bubble. They determine who we are. When someone asks us “Who are you?” We mostly respond with our job title or the connection to our family (a mom, a father, a sister, a brother). But is that all we are? The untethered soul by Micheal A. Singer goes deeper into this question (and might even be too spiritual for some).

I find that when stepping out of your bubble, you get confronted with yourself. If you for example traveling or working/studying abroad for a while, you have to depend solely on yourself. But you also make new friends and discover if they really are part of your “tribe” or not. Being in a place where nobody knows you, opens up a chance to be something else. You get to do whatever you want whenever you want. And on the contrary, you might be too overwhelmed with all this freedom of choice.

Benefits: friendships for life

Now next to soul searching, you also have to create some new experiences. Get out there, meet locals try things. for example, take a class. book a co-working space, go to a concert, or sit in a coffee shop (without your mobile or earphones). However, if you choose to solo travel you still need to stay safe. Because you are here for a good time and a long time (at least until you get home).

The benefits of living like a local are connecting with people on a deeper level. If you commit to that friendship when you’re back home, it can last lifelong. You can even visit each other or plan a trip to a place you both never have been to, so you have an excuse to travel more.

Convinced already?

Here are 5 tips from Jo Franco. She has been traveling solo for a decade now and she also has been documenting her travels on her channel.

Image: Unsplash, by William Navarro

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We work a job we hate, to buy things we don’t need, to impress people we don’t like

This quote is from a movie, which I haven’t seen. But I saw this post on Pinterest and I felt attacked. Whenever, I accomplished something big and I felt like, I should buy this or that to celebrate or for gratification. But if I stopped and took a second I would’ve realized that the accomplishment is a celebration already.


What happens is, we get stuck in this ratrace. Our life is already planned out; high school, college, a good job, uni, marrying your high school sweetheart, a great career, buying a house, a car, sweet kids, a summer house, and so on and so forth. This is the “right path” to take. It will lead to success and happiness. A construct designed by society to keep the money rolling and keep us busy. We actually forget to contemplate if we actually want those things. And even if we want those things, when are we satisfied?

Keeping up with the Joneses

This term comes from English-speaking countries and refers to keeping up with your neighbor’s social economic status. Today we could replace this term with, Keeping up with the Kardashians (or any other reality series) or keeping up with big names on Instagram. It’s a cliche but the content in series and on social media is only one part of someone’s story. Nobody has it all, so it will give us peace of mind to stop to match that level of so-called perfection.

Sacrificing what you need

What’s even more concerning is that we sacrifice something we really need for something that we don’t even want. For example, we sacrifice our time with our family or time dedicated to exercise for more work to hopefully get that promotion. We sacrifice an hour’s worth of massage to binge-watch a series. Now again I’m not encouraging anyone to stop doing or wanting something. I’m just asking to consider if it’s really what you want and need.

Image: Unsplash, by Mckenna Phillips

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Be a Newb: Grow in new situations

What is a newb?

According to the urban dictionary, a newb is an inexperienced player in a game and he/she will eventually develop better skills. This can be anything from learning a new language to saying hi to someone randomly on the streets.

When was the last time you did something for the first time

We stay comfortable in our warm environments and don’t want to change. We have a routine and a group of people we hang out with. Especially when we grow older and maybe have the same job over the years. It can get difficult to be a newb.

But it doesn’t always have to be something new. It could also be something you haven’t done in a long time. I like to rollerskate. When I am going thru something, I like to take my skates and just skate in a park. Now I can’t skate that well so it looks silly for an adult to hold their balance sometimes. But that makes it fun. Laughing at my awkwardness. And if I fall, so what? I can get back up.

Beginner’s mind

This term comes from Buddism and it means that you look at a situation you’re placed in as if you are seeing it for the first time. This could be the first time you’re in that situation. Contrary, it could also be a situation you have been in before but you would like to change your view or your behavior toward it. The benefits of seeing something for the first are:

  • Not having any fear of failing
  • Not having an image formed (created by the ego)
  • Having curiosity and being excited to learn something new
  • Being open to new possibilities and ideas
  • It helps develop deeper gratitude

If you want to learn 5 ways to cultivate a beginner’s mind, read this post from BetterUp

After failure comes growth

So when you have decided what your new first time is, make a timeline that works best for you. Follow through on your plan. After a while, you’ll see changes. For example, you are happier, more outgoing, better at a skill, more confident you name it. When you see results you’ll want to improve more. But even if you don’t want to stick with that activity after a while. Congratulate yourself on trying something for the first time (or in a long time).

Image: Unsplash , by Quiton Coetzee

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Allow yourself 5 failures a day

Continue to fail

I was scrolling through Instagram when I saw this video of Caroline Wanga, the CEO of Essence magazine. She said that not till the sixth fail does she get to make it a bad day. And I’m here for it! As a result, she becomes best in failure recovery, she gets up faster than anybody else, and she bounces back faster than anybody else. This reminds me of something the Spanx founder once mentioned (click here for the video). Her dad encouraged her to fail every week to redefine the term. Failure became about not trying rather than about the outcome

Who is CEO Wanga?

Carolina A. Wanga had a child and at the age of 17 she needed to get by. She worked at a non-profit for 7 years. But she couldn’t grow in the organization without a college degree. So she decided to go back to school. Then she started as an intern at Target. After a while, she came in contact with the Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion. She draw a map and at the top of that map was the position of VP of D&I. She saw her goal and she went for it! She spoke about it and worked hard. When she finally got the job, she thought about her new responsibility and made the conclusion that if she wanted to do this job well, she would’ve to show more of herself…

What can we learn from Wanga?

So she did: the hairstyle she liked … blue lipstick… she saw that nobody really noticed the changes. Because she was authentic and did her job really well. She stood out and was noticed by the owner of Essence. He eventually asked her to become the new CEO of Essence. Mind you, this is a whole different market. The owner was not spooked by the lack of knowledge in this market, rather he recognized that she was able to communicate who she was and that she was able to win whatever she put her mind to.

Image: Unsplash, by Sebastian Leon Prado

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3 ways to see clearly

If you are a member of this community then you know this week is about seeing the steps ahead of you. Sometimes it can be overwhelming to look at all the steps and future setbacks that might be ahead. Good news, those moments haven’t even occurred yet. Instead, just focus on the step that’s right in front of you. Focus on what you can see and move from there. Here are 3 easy ways to help you better focus on the here and now.

Be present

In order to think clearly, you have to be present. Being present means (to me): being fully in the moment without thinking about what you’re having for dinner or regretting the outfit you chose. The key way I like to become more present is by guided meditation. You just sit on a chair or on the floor, let a voice guide you through your thoughts, and give you exercises focused on breath work. The purpose of meditation is not to stop thinking but rather to label your thoughts and come back to them when and if necessary. My current app for guided meditation is Headspace.

Take a walk

Throughout the week you drive/ cycle/ commute from A to B. It is hard to experience new things. On weekends I like to take a walk without a destination. Either in the city or in nature.

  • City
    Pros: you get to order coffee from your local barista and walk around, take random streets, and be a tourist in your own city.
    Cons: when it gets busy on the streets your mind gets cluttered.
  • Nature
    Pros: you really get to experience fresh air and peace & quiet.
    Cons: depending on where you live, being in nature might be far away.

My favorite spot is close to the sea because you can hear the waves and clear your mind.

Word vomit

Sometimes you are stuck on something and you just have to vent about it. Either to a friend or on paper. This is beneficial because you get all the words out and you might discover that it wasn’t that deep. You might feel better and be able to let the thoughts go. What I love about writing it down is that you can see all the clutter and focus on the things that really matter. Also, you get to read it later and see how much you have grown since then.

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Being Productive Tomorrow But Already Setting Yourself Up to Fail

All pumped up

So yesterday I scheduled a workout for this morning 8 am. I was all hyped up, ready to go to sleep early and start my day RIGHT. You can already guess that by 9 am I was still in my bed … Problem was that I had this image of myself: work out at 8 am, be dressed by 10 am, and have an amazing and productive day. This all seems very nice but actually executing it is a whole different ball game. Especially when you’re not a morning person.

Becoming that person

Nowadays you see all these videos of; becoming THAT girl or my everyday 5 am routine. It all looks great and productive. In my head, I go like; I want to be as productive as them. And even though I think it’s good to have a reason to get out of bed. I also think we should be realistic. If you’re not a morning person, chances are that 7 times out of 10 you won’t make that class. Why do I even want to plan my day like those people I’ve never even met? Do I want to work out or keep up with the Joneses?

What do you want

For me, it is important to ask myself why I want what I want. Is it because it looks productive? Or do I want it because I can show off? The real reason should be that I want to take care of my body. But if that is my incentive it doesn’t matter what time I work out.

Wake up

This week’s quote is: All I want is what I can see, and what I can see is in front of me. When I schedule something The evening before, I won’t be able to see what’s in front of me (Can I sleep through the night? Do I have a bad mood when I wake up?). That’s why I try to plan easy things on the day itself. But never give up. If you really want to exercise that day, you have to try again and again. So that’s what I did and ironically at 8 pm, I went to another workout. The end result is the same, it just matters how you look at it.

Image: Unsplash, by Logan Weaver

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Tails, you win

Word association

What is the first word that comes to mind when you hear: success? Is it a big accomplishment, a long list of wins? Well, I hate to disappoint but most of the time, to succeed you need a long tail. What does a long tail exactly mean? It means perfecting your craft, doing things consistently, and making adjustments along the way.

Walt Disney

Morgan Housel wrote in his book The Psychology of Money about Walt Disney. The Disney studio was the frontrunner in the animation business. However, they were on their way to bankruptcy. It was only until the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was released that they became profitable. What changed? Snow White was the first longer animation. When you look at it from afar you will say that Walt Disney was a successful man because of that movie. But I like to think that the real success was having so much experience in small animations in order to execute a long animation well.


Another advantage of having a tail-event is that it drives momentum. Nowadays, you see it all the time on social media. When you watch a youtube video on “how to grow your personal brand” they all talk about putting out content consistently. After a while, when your audience starts to grow, you will hit millions of views. Want to read more about how to keep going even when you don’t feel like it? Read this post.

Image: Unsplash, by Guillaume Briard

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Feel all the feels, do it anyways

All the feels

Let’s start with, what do I mean by all the feels? All the emotions? Sometimes you get to a point where you dream about something but the execution is draining. Even though you would love to eventually have it (whatever your goal is). The process is making you nervous, scared, and tired. It can even be uninspiring at times.

But guess what… it doesn’t matter. You HAVE to keep up with your daily habits in order to get results and eventually reach that goal.


Not only do you have to do it anyways to get the results but it is also crucial for your well-being. I find that if I stick to a daily habit that I know is going to give me long-term results, I will feel better because I discipline myself. Moreover, I can anticipate that on the days when I don’t feel good, I can still push myself to get things done.

Easier said than done

You might think by now… well it is easier said than done. And you’re 100% right, it’s not easy to just do it anyway. How to do it anyway?

  • Arrange non-negotiables with yourself (ask someone that can hold you accountable)
  • Talk to someone about it. Some emotions are increasing when you keep them in your head.
  • Ask advice from someone that has experience with your situation

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The best planner of 2023

A few years ago I used to say that I keep a planner on my phone. But in reality, I did not and forgot about most of my appointments. Now I have found the perfect planner for me which is the My Journal from A-journal.

Planner and journal in one

So let me explain how it works … The planner has an overview of the month which contains planning: activities to do, relaxing, grateful for, goals, and to pay and receive. So you plan your month ahead with not only the basics but also the fun and memorable things. Then you have an overview of the week where you can write your appointments down and add your priorities. They even added a notes section on the weekly pages.

Check off the boxes

When you have filled in the month’s planner you start to work tirelessly during the month. At the end of the month, you look back and you can check off the things you have completed/accomplished. How great is that!

And the list goes on and on

And now my favorite part. The lists in the back of financial goals, adventures, health, meals, music, and books. This way I will have a diary of the year. In a couple of years, I can look back to see which song was my favorite and which cities I visited this year. In a way the planner does the name justice because you get to keep a journal of your year without actually writing in a daily journal.

Good to know

The planner also has an envelope at the back for business cards or other small papers you need to store.

Image: Unsplash, by Benham Norouzi

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3 ways to improve health

First things first

Before you start on your health journey (again) really define for yourself what your definition of good health is. For some it is losing/gaining weight, for others it’s feeling strong/fit. When you have your definition in order, you need to start small. In atomic habits, the author describes that if you can improve by 1% every day it is better than going 0 to 100. Also, remember that there is no end destination when it comes to health (and happiness but we will get to that another day). Every day we have a decision. Sometimes it means treating ourselves to what we need and other days it means having the discipline to do what we need.

10.000 steps a day

Movement is always beneficial. Regularly we can get stuck in the day-to-day. Going from A to B you forget to look around you. So while it is good to move your body I also think it’s essential to take your steps outside in nature preferably. You get some fresh air and perhaps even get inspired because of all that you see around you. Funny fact: the 10.000 steps a day is invented by a Japanese firm that sold pedometers called Manpo-Kei. In the end, it doesn’t matter how many steps you take but that you enjoy your peace while you do it.

2L water

Another recommendation is to drink 1 liters of water a day. This has benefits for your organs, face and gives you an energy boost. For the people who hate drinking water because it tastes like nothing; you can make your own infused water by adding fruits. Otherwise, tea might help. Personally, it has helped me to buy a large bottle. Mine even contained motivational quotes that got me through the day.

Greet someone randomly on the streets

Okay I know this one sounds a little creepy but hear me out… When you are crossing a person on the sidewalk just greet them with a smile or a quick hello. Remember we don’t know what someone else is going through. This person might have heard the worst news of their life just minutes ago. So for them, it might make their day. Also when someone reacts positively about it and greets you back, it will improve your mood. Besides, it’s free so you don’t lose anything.

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