Harsh Truth: Life goes on
Time doesn’t stop for anybody. Sometimes we would very much like it to pause for a moment though. In this life, we will all experience loss or a traumatic situation. And as much as we would like to “move on from it”, we would also like to take a minute and process. But the harsh truth is that time doesn’t stop for anybody. For everyone the threshold is different. Also, the situation where loss is being experienced may differ from person to person. Having kids can be challenging. Losing someone you love dearly can be heartbreaking.
Sex and the city
This comparison is for my Sex and the City women. Remember when in Sex and the City 2 Charlotte was so overwhelmed with having two kids and societal expectations on what a nanny should look like? She reached her limits while making cupcakes and went into the pantry to grab something, but in hindsight, she just needed a minute (find the clip below).
Personal loss
I lost my mother and honestly, I wanted to book a one-way ticket to a deserted island (with white sands and blue sea). Not to run away but to take a minute. To process what happened and to realize the consequences it has for my future. This is crucial to do. Give yourself time to heal and time to feel all the emotions. Even when you can’t book a one-way ticket, it is still possible to take a breather. By breathing in and out for four seconds each, for example. This way, the tension in your body will be released. Other ways to protect your peace can be found here.
However, after a while, you have to get back up. Because in reality life, or rather, time goes on. In business everybody is replaceable. But more importantly if you stay too long in that rut, you will miss out on so many beautiful new memories. This is also very apparent when you have young kids around you. They won’t wait for you to take their first steps or to say their first words. And when you aren’t present you will miss a once-in-a-lifetime moment.
Reach your full potential
You are also doing yourself a disservice when you are not getting everything out of this life. I once heard Rob Dial mention the following in his podcast. “When someone dies, all the unused potential dies with them.” We are still here so we owe it to ourselves, and maybe even the person that passed away, to do the best we can to reach our full potential.
Source image: Unsplash, Maico Amorim
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