January 2023

3 ways to improve health

First things first

Before you start on your health journey (again) really define for yourself what your definition of good health is. For some it is losing/gaining weight, for others it’s feeling strong/fit. When you have your definition in order, you need to start small. In atomic habits, the author describes that if you can improve by 1% every day it is better than going 0 to 100. Also, remember that there is no end destination when it comes to health (and happiness but we will get to that another day). Every day we have a decision. Sometimes it means treating ourselves to what we need and other days it means having the discipline to do what we need.

10.000 steps a day

Movement is always beneficial. Regularly we can get stuck in the day-to-day. Going from A to B you forget to look around you. So while it is good to move your body I also think it’s essential to take your steps outside in nature preferably. You get some fresh air and perhaps even get inspired because of all that you see around you. Funny fact: the 10.000 steps a day is invented by a Japanese firm that sold pedometers called Manpo-Kei. In the end, it doesn’t matter how many steps you take but that you enjoy your peace while you do it.

2L water

Another recommendation is to drink 1 liters of water a day. This has benefits for your organs, face and gives you an energy boost. For the people who hate drinking water because it tastes like nothing; you can make your own infused water by adding fruits. Otherwise, tea might help. Personally, it has helped me to buy a large bottle. Mine even contained motivational quotes that got me through the day.

Greet someone randomly on the streets

Okay I know this one sounds a little creepy but hear me out… When you are crossing a person on the sidewalk just greet them with a smile or a quick hello. Remember we don’t know what someone else is going through. This person might have heard the worst news of their life just minutes ago. So for them, it might make their day. Also when someone reacts positively about it and greets you back, it will improve your mood. Besides, it’s free so you don’t lose anything.

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Ways to make people like you

The title of the book “How to win friends and influence people” written by Dale Carnegie is as misleading as the title of this post. Even though this book had been first published in 1936, it is still relevant today. In this post, a few ways will be discussed on how to connect with people.


Imagine you are calling your doctor’s office. Would you prefer a receptionist who is grumpy or a receptionist who is in a good mood? I reckon it is the latter. Well if you talk while smiling, it is going to come across as more genuine. Even over the phone. It will also brighten your own mood!

A person’s name is the most important sound in any language

If you remember a person’s name and use it the next time you see her/him, it makes them feel important. It shows that you made an effort to remember their name when in reality people don’t even bother. In the book, Dale Carnegie writes ” We should be aware of the magic contained in a name and realize that this single item is wholly and completely owned by the person with whom we are dealing, and nobody else.”

Talk in terms of the other person’s interest

We all would rather talk about our own interests. But if you are really interested in the other person, you should approach the conversation in terms of their interests. Find out their passion and start the conversation with those subjects. The other person will gladly talk for hours about themselves, their accomplishments, and their interests. Once they are warmed up to you. They will gladly listen to your request. Also, be fully present when someone is being vulnerable towards you. They are sharing part of their story and they will appreciate it more when you fully focus on them.

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